速報APP / 商業 / Woven Calendar

Woven Calendar



檔案大小:65.8 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.10.0 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


Woven Calendar(圖1)-速報App

Meet your new calendar. Woven Calendar is the smart calendar for busy people & productivity power users that saves you time. More than just a calendar, Woven connects all your calendars together so you can see everything and miss nothing. With all your calendars connected, Woven’s smart scheduling allows to you to schedule meetings in one link - so you can skip the back and forth emails that kill your productivity.

Woven is an intelligent calendar for busy professionals.

Woven works with Gmail and G Suite accounts (and not with Office 365 and other calendars yet).

Power Up Your Google Calendar with These Smart Woven Features

Schedule Calendar Events With Just One Click

• Eliminate the hassle of scheduling back-and-forth. Create an event and suggest times in one click. Save 10 minutes every meeting (at least!).

Woven Calendar(圖2)-速報App

• Let others pick a suggested time and schedule the meeting with a single tap - even if they’re not Woven Calendar users!

• Create your personal public availability calendars (woven.com/calendar/[yourlink]) and allow anyone to book meetings with you based on your customizable availability window.

• Securely and easily share your availability with trusted friends and clients you meet with most.

Visualize Travel with Map View

• Display your entire day’s calendar on a map with automatic travel time accounting for traffic at the time of each meeting so you never miss a meeting.

• Move events to see in real time how your travel routes and times change based on a new event time and transportation type (car, train, bus, etc.).

Woven Calendar(圖3)-速報App

• Block travel time on your calendar for an entire day with a single tap.

Smart Scheduling Templates

• Set templates for different meeting types that you schedule often. Any aspect of a meeting - from participants to availability window to location can be preset in a template for fast future scheduling.

• Schedule complex meetings or send collaborative scheduling links from your phone with just a few taps.

• Convert any meeting into a template and customize for future use to save even more time.

Rich Calendaring and Events

Woven Calendar(圖4)-速報App

• My Time: consolidate your work and personal calendars. Woven works across all your My Time calendars to find times you’re truly free.

• Add your conferencing information to events with a single tap (works with Zoom, Skype, WebEx and many others).

• Put private notes, tags and locations in meetings, only visible to you.

• See emails related to an event without leaving Woven.

• Keep track of events yet to be scheduled in the Planning tab.

• Receive updates from your My Time calendars in a single place.

Woven Calendar(圖5)-速報App

Coming soon: Smart Group Polling! Coordinating an event with colleagues or friends but don’t know what time works best? Invite the attendees and take a poll - so you can find the time that works best for everyone and avoid schedule conflicts for everyone invited.

Get the most of of Woven Calendar by downloading the Woven desktop and Woven iOS App

Woven is the Winner of the 2019 Appy Award for Best Productivity App

For more information and to check out our web & desktop calendar and scheduling apps, visit: https://woven.com

Woven Calendar(圖6)-速報App